5am 22 Julai 2011....tiba-tiba terjaga dari tidur. Kepala pening sangat-sangat. Badan mula terasa menggigil. Saya bingkas bangkit dari katil menuju ke bilik air. Bagai nak tumbang rasanya. Pening. Perut mula terasa mual. Macam nak muntah tetapi tak muntah. Jadi saya kembali berbaring di sofa. Kemudian bila rasa sudah tidak tertahan, saya gagahkan diri masuk ke bilik dan mengejutkan adik saya, Izzi. Saya sudah tertunduk di tepi katil. Isi perut melonjak-lonjak dari usus melalui ke ulu hati dan anak tekak mula kembang. Saya jerit padanya supaya tolong ambilkan plastik sebab saya terasa hendak muntah. Nasib baik dia pantas bertindak biar pun dalam keadaan mamai.. terkejut dikejutkan saya yang pada mulanya difikirkan Ju-On manalah yang dok tepuk badannya suruh bangun dengan rambut berserabai!
Puas muntah sampai tekak terasa kering dan perit. Terus adik saya mengejutkan mak ayah. Kemudian ayah dan along terus mengejarkan saya ke Hospital Sg.Buloh. Sebab saya benar-benar tidak bermaya, membuatkan ayah terpaksa gagahkan diri memandu walaupun sebenarnya sudah lama dia tidak memandu.
Sampai saja di hospital dan diperiksa oleh doktor di unit kecemasan, saya diberikan suntikan tahan sakit dan disuruh untuk membuang air kecil sebab doktor nak memeriksa urin. Saya katakan pada doktor, selain dari pening dan pusing, bahagian perut di ari-ari juga terasa tegang dan pedih. Ulu hati juga pedih.
Hampir setengah jam menanti, tidak juga mampu saya membuang air biar pun along dah bagi minum hampir sebotol air mineral. Kemudian bila saya mula mengigil, along terus tolak saya semula ke bilik doktor dan nurse mula memasukkan tiub di pundi kencing tetapi memang tiada urin! Kemudian saya disuruh melakukan X-Ray dada. Akhirnya saya ditolak masuk ke wad pemerhatian unit kecemasan. Dimasukkan air (drip) dan disuntik morfin. Tekanan darah memang rendah iaitu 72/49.
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Doktor juga melakukan ujian pemeriksaan ritma jantung (Electrocardiography atau ECG).
Dalam 2 jam kemudian, saya kembali menggigil membuatkan doktor menyuntik lagi morfin. Saya terus mamai…..hi! Bintang-bintang mula mengelilingi kepala. Nafas tak tentu hala. Tapi saya tidak dapat melelapkan mata. Bacaan tekanan darah turun naik.
Jam 2 petang, kesihatan saya mula stabil dan bacaan tekanan darah 91/59. Memandangkan wad penuh dan saya mula stabil, doktor menyuruh saya balik saya. Ok! Best balik!!
Sedang menantikan abang ipar ambil, saya kembali mengigil dan along segera berlari semua ke wad kecemasan dan saya dimasukkan semula ke bilik pemerhatian buat kali kedua. Masuk air (drip) lagi. Doktor juga melakukan ujian imbasan (scan) perut, tetapi tidak ada apa. Darah diambil. Saya terbaring sehingga jam 9 malam. Ujian darah menunjukkan saya kekurangan air dalam badan. Doktor juga cakap saya terlebih dos morfin membuatkan saya ‘hi’ dan mengigil pula disebabkan ‘Panic Attack’.
Bila saya kembali stabil, saya dibenarkan pulang. Yeahhaa… Kali ini memang saya ‘buat-buat sihat’ waima sebenarnya saya masih dizzy! Tak kisahlah….. janji boleh balik!
Ok Balik.
Eh! Kejap, apa masalahnya kesihatan saya….. TEKANAN DARAH RENDAH/LOW BLOOD PRESSURE a.k.a Hypotension.
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Ok. Apa itu Hypotension?
Saya malas nak translatekan. Jadi saya copy-paste terus dari www.webmd.com.
Low blood pressure means that your blood pressure is lower than normal. Another name for low blood pressure is hypotension (say "hy-poh-TEN-shun").
In most healthy adults, low blood pressure does not cause problems or symptoms. In fact, it may be normal for you. For example, people who exercise regularly often have lower blood pressure than people who are not as fit. But if your blood pressure drops suddenly or causes symptoms like dizziness or fainting, it is too low. It can cause shock. Shock can be dangerous if it is not treated right away. Blood pressure is a measure of how hard the blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as it moves through your body. Blood pressure consists of two numbers: systolic and diastolic. · The systolic (higher) number shows how hard the blood pushes when the heart is pumping. · The diastolic (lower) number shows how hard the blood pushes between heartbeats, when the heart is relaxed and filling with blood.
Someone with a systolic pressure of 120 and a diastolic pressure of 80 has a blood pressure of 120/80, or "120 over 80." Normal blood pressure is lower than 120/80.
Low blood pressure does not have a specific number where it is too low. Most doctors consider blood pressure to be too low when it causes symptoms or drops suddenly. In general, low blood pressure symptoms happen when blood pressure is less than 90/60.
What causes low blood pressure?
Some of the causes of low blood pressure include:
· Getting up after you sit or lie down. This can cause a quick drop in blood pressure called orthostatic hypotension. · Standing for a long time.
· Health problems such as thyroid disease, severe infection, bleeding in the intestines, or heart problems. · Trauma, such as major bleeding or severe burns.
What are the symptoms?
Many people with low blood pressure don’t have any symptoms.
Symptoms to watch for include:
· Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or faint.
· Having a fast or irregular heartbeat.
· Feeling more thirsty than usual.
· Feeling weak.
· Being confused.
· Being tired.
· Having cold, clammy skin. · Breathing very fast.
· Having black, tarry stools.
If you have symptoms of low blood pressure, especially dizziness or fainting, call your doctor.
Watch for symptoms of low blood pressure. Tell your doctor when the symptoms happen so he or she can treat them.
How is low blood pressure diagnosed?
Often people learn that they have low blood pressure when their doctor checks it. Or you may find that you have low blood pressure when you check it at home.
To check for the causes of your low blood pressure, your doctor will ask about your past health, your symptoms, and the medicines you take. He or she will do a physical exam and may do other tests. Your doctor may check for another health problem that could be causing your low blood pressure. Will your doctor treat low blood pressure?
You will likely get treated for low blood pressure only if it is causing symptoms or if your blood pressure drops suddenly. Treatment depends on your symptoms, how severe they are, and the reasons for the low blood pressure.
Your doctor may have you:
· Add more salt to your diet. · Change or stop medicines that lower your blood pressure.
· Take medicine to treat the problem that is causing low blood pressure. For example, you may need antibiotics to treat infection or medicines to stop vomiting or diarrhea. Be sure to talk with your doctor before you add more salt to your diet or make any changes in your medicines.
How can you prevent low blood pressure symptoms?
If you have orthostatic hypotension, your doctor may suggest that you try some simple ways to prevent symptoms like dizziness. For example, you can:
· Stand up slowly.
· Drink more water.
· Drink little or no alcohol.
· Wear compression stockings.
If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, sit down or lie down for a few minutes. Or you can sit down and put your head between your knees. This will help your blood pressure go back to normal and help your symptoms go away.
Jadi...moral of the story.... jagalah kesihatan! Sayangi diri sendiri dan orang tersayang....
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